Monday, September 10, 2007

Mediocre But Arrogant

It baffles me how the characters in a book written on the love and life at a B'school in the early 80's can be so amazingly real, that even a current B'school pass-out would relate to them.
Well..I guess Abhijit Bhaduri's book "Mediocre But Arrogant" does just that. I'm sure every B'schooler who has read it would know that reading the book is just like traveling back to a few incidents of his/her own life..Thats how close to realty the book is...Some lines from this wonderful book :

Differentiation - "Tweak the formula,change the packaging and make a new commercial with a cute babe in a skimpier bikini"

Hostel Room - "The white-washed rooms had a bed, a small cupboard and a desk with a really uncomfortable chair for each occupant"

Hostel Food - "Why is that food in every hostel mess has to be just that(bad)"

Free Riders/Loaders - "I inevitably landed up in a group where half the guys where Free Loaders and had no interest in contributing to the assignment"

"Any senior caught glancingly lustfully at the girls from another, especially the Junior batch should be hanged"

"When u ASSUME without checking, you are making an 'ASS' of 'U' and 'ME'"

"All Northies are stereotyped as crude,arrogant and violent"

"Problems cannot be solved. They can only be absolved, dissolved or resolved"

Rules for Market Research Surveys

Rule 1 - Nothing more than one paper
Rule 2 - Tell people, you can't come back and you'll wait while they fill up
Rule 3 and most important - DON'T DEPEND ON OTHERS. FILL IT YOURSELF

ACP - After Class Participation, DCP- Desperate Class Participation,
I'm tempted to add JCP (Junk Class Participation)....

The book is a nostalgic read all the way with various emotions flowing in, I'm sure by the end of the book everyone would have that 'gathering tear' very much like Abbey in the book.

1 comment:

Born Too Soon said...

arent you supposed to be blogging somewhere else.....??? :P